Well today is the first day of the rest of my Life.
My Creative life anyway. After a couple of months of working out some styles of paintings and putting them together with words that I think I want people to remember each day, I feel like I am ready to start a new part of my life.
Although I have talked to my family about all my ideas I never have talked to anyone else for fear of failure to get going. But this time I felt a change. That special feeling when you really start to believe that things you have always wanted to do are finally happening. I had someone I know offer to put my paintings up for people to buy - sight unseen just from my ideas. Then I magically found two artists whose spirit and enthusiasm touched my heart and showed me that there are ways to incorporate creative loves into the ordinary daily life and be a better person for it. The first of these two was
Jane Davenport who is like a breathe of fresh air and who loves to share her passion and creativity.The second was
Kelly Rae Roberts who captivated me firstly for her art but more so with her generosity of spirit and wish for us all to be creative.
The Planets have been aligning or was it the recent Eclipse but the most exciting puzzle piece fell into place last weekend when an act of the most beautiful kindness happened to me. Two friends who have always been a tower of strength arrived at my house with an enormous amount of excitement. Imagine my surprise when Ann-Maree and Peter arrive bearing gifts that could change my life, a Scanner and Printer which enable my creative adventures to soar.The beauty of their selflessness brought me to tears. I always knew there were Earth Angels but I never knew how close they were to me.Thank you for your gift - the gift of your friendship and your faith in me.